Sunday, May 20, 2012

Nutrition quest

This week I've been waylaid by a bum knee.  So no adventure hunting this time.  Instead, I thought I'd update you on a new adventure in my life.

I've been on a sort of nutrition quest for a while now.  One of my dreams is to write a cooking guide for seniors who are still living on their own at home.  Hopefully it will also serve as a guide for caregivers as well.  I would also like to make sensible nutrition easily accessible to everyone.

So with that in mind... I have embarked on a new course of study at an online school - The Institute of Integrative Nutrition - to become a Nutrition health coach.  With over 1/2 the population of the U.S. being obese, and most of them having diabetes, the need for health coaches is greater than ever.  It can be very difficult to navigate the waters with the myriad of diet books, fad diets, celebrity diets, styles of eating (vegan, vegetarian, flexitarian, omnivore, etc).  So soon I will be blogging on a new site to begin building my business.  But my intent is to keep this one for my other adventures.

Next week, my friends from SC are coming to visit and we'll be hitting a huge number of sites that I haven't been to before.  So, look for those blogs to hit the net soon!!

Until then...happy trails!

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