Tuesday, October 9, 2012

International Balloon Fiesta 2012 Albuquerque

October in Albuquerque brings the Balloon Fiesta - the much loved and largest Hot Air Balloon festival in the world, and the most photographed event on the planet.  The Balloon Fiesta started in 1972 with 13 balloons as a radio promotion held in the parking lot of Coronado Mall.  Today, it is held at the Balloon Fiesta Park which is 360 acres of land includes the launch field which is 78 acres - about the size of 56 football fields put together.  It usually comprises over 500 balloons, 1000 volunteers, 2000 chase crew volunteers and in 2012, will include balloonists from 19 different countries and draw over 800,000 visitors.  In 2011 it received the Guiness Book of World Record for the Greatest Mass Hot Air Balloon Ascent - for the most hot air balloons launched within the shortest period of time.

The Fiesta comprises several different types of events including the annual Challenge race, various balloon competitions, etc.  The most popular events with the public are the following:

Mass Ascension: The morning launch of all the balloons in waves within 2 hours starting at 7 AM.

Glowdeo (Glow): The evening program where balloons are inflated on the field and lit up with the burners once it turns dark.

So, here's the challenge with viewing the balloon fiesta.... It's dependent on the wind and weather conditions.  So you could get up at 3:30 AM (as I did), make it to the Park & Ride bus area by 5 AM, wait in line for an hour to catch the bus to the park, which takes 25 minutes.  Only to get there and find out that the morning Ascension has been cancelled due to wind.  Your choices are to go back on the bus to your car; or to wander around the vendors (food, arts, crafts, souvenirs, etc) and visit the museum (which is what we did).  We actually went back that afternoon after a few hours of rest to see the Glow.  And it was beautiful up until it started to get dark and then they called it off short because of the wind.  I was so tired that I opted to not try again the next morning - particularly as the winds had picked way up and howled all night.  Unfortunately for me, and true to the form of Albuquerque weather, the next morning was clear and gorgeous and the Ascension went off without a hitch.

I had been told that balloons just fill the sky during Fiesta.  The only thing I've noticed is that more cars are filling the highways.  There may be a few more balloons in the sky than normal in the mornings on the way to work, but nothing like I was led to believe.  Apparently you have to be right at the balloon park itself to see anything.  I managed a few pictures during my visit.  And lest you think it was a total wash, I had an absolute blast!  The partial Glow that I saw was breathtaking.  So many balloons!  And Albuquerque is the only Balloon Fiesta left where you can actually walk the field among the balloons - because of their excellent safety record!  Most other Balloon festivals now rope off the field and require the spectators to sit in stands to watch.  I much prefer wandering amid the balloons.  You just have to pay attention and not walk on or jump over any of the balloons/tarps; not get in the way of the balloonists.

Another good thing:  When an event you had tickets for is cancelled, they honor that ticket for another event.  So I'm going back again this coming weekend to hopefully see an Ascension.  Meanwhile, here's a few photos to tide you over.

Sleepless in Albuquerque,

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