Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Traffic mysteries

While rush hour traffic jams in big cities and commuting woes are much the same everywhere, I've found that different states have their own unique patterns and behaviors  regarding rules of the road.  It's always interesting as an outsider to observe these differences, and challenging to figure them out.  Here's a little comparison of 3 different states - a listing of personal observations I have made from driving there.

In Connecticut (where I lived for almost 5 years):
-- Most everyone obeys the speed limits pretty closely.  Police will pull you over quickly here for speeding.
-- Be aware that when lanes merge on the highway due to construction, they only give you less than 50 yards notice.  When you see the merge sign, you better have already begun to merge!
-- Never let people merge into line in front of you, it's every man/woman for themselves.

In Atlanta (where I lived on and off for over 12 years):
-- Atlanta is like a RallyCross video game - go as fast as you can without crashing, dodge the slow cars or run them over!  Police usually don't stop you unless you're going close to 100 mph (seriously, there was a reader's digest article interviewing an officer who said that.  Look it up!)
-- Don't stop for pedestrians.  In fact, honk and berate them if they get in your way.
-- Road rage is the  name of the game.
-- And apparently, masturbating or flashing on the interstate is okay too.
-- However, it is the south, and we all have to merge sometimes despite the 8 lanes - so let the other cars in, as long as they don't slow you down!

In San Francisco (where I've been for almost 3 weeks):
-- Drive slow in the highways.  Especially in the fast lane.  That concept doesn't exist here.
-- Except in the city with all those narrow roads and incredible hills....then you should do at least 10 miles over the speed limit - which means lots of slamming on the brakes.
-- Because pedestrians rule the road here - even when the cross against the light, and they take their own sweet time crossing.
-- Honk your horn randomly here.  At the car in front of you turning left but having to await the leisurely stroll of the pedestrian; at anyone going too slow; at traffic in general if you're frustrated; or heck, just because.  There's no rhyme or reason.
--They may or may not let  you merge.
-- Other motorists will fly around you at an intersection or dart around you at a yellow light if it gets them ahead quicker.
-- And then there are the bicyclists who are mostly polite.
-- And the motorcyclists - second only to the pedestrians in ruling the road!  They can use whatever lane they like at any time - including riding between the rows of cars - which is especially disconcerting during rush hour when you're also dodging pedestrians, parked cars, buses, trolley cars and delivery vehicles.  Or trying to change lanes or merge and suddenly there's a motorcycle between  you and the other car!

Need I say more?

1 comment:

  1. love your descriptions of the nuances of driving in different parts of the US. sounds like you are having a ball..............s
