Saturday, July 23, 2011

On the brink and teetering

Deep breath.  I'm writing this at my sister's house in York, SC.  I made it this far and had lofty plans to visit extended family and have my first vacation in 6 years.  But I managed to mess that up pretty well.  All I can say in my defense is that divorce makes you crazy for a while - and it's much harder than I anticipated to suddenly be without a house, a job, dogs, responsibility.... You might think that I'd be soaring free and giddy.  But those responsibilities grounded me, gave my life a sense of purpose and place.  Now all the sudden I'm not needed by anyone.  I feel rootless and untethered.  I suppose it's what a phantom limb feels like - there, but not there.  An itch you can never scratch.

At any rate, I'm starting the traveling bit sooner than anticipated and in a much different way.  I'll be flying out on Tuesday to San Francisco, California for a month!  Leaving the Kia Soul here at the moment.  Temporary plans are to hopefully get another assignment in California after this one and have my car shipped out there.  If not, I'll be back in SC in a month to pick up "The Ghost".

So, here I sit, on the brink of my new adventure.  Ready to leap and feeling nervous and breathless.

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