Tuesday, July 26, 2011

San Francisco baby!

San Francisco, California - surrounded by water on 3 sides.  I finally made it after a very long day of travel.  The company I work for decided to put me up at an extended stay in Oakland CA across the bay.  But when I arrived, I found out that there's a toll on the bridge ranging from $4-6 depending on week or weekend, etc.  Plus several people, including the guy at Enterprise car rental, stated that Oakland is not safe.  I went to the hotel and it was kind of skeevy and didn't smell good.  After many calls to my company, I ended up staying back out near the airport at La Quinta hotel.  So no kitchenette, but at least I won't have to do dishes or clean my room!  Then they called to tell me that I needed one more TB test.  Like they couldn't have gotten this done last week when I went all over the place for testing and faxing tons of documentation!  So we worked things out and I will probably have another mostly free day and start work on Friday instead of Thursday.

I'm uploading some photos of the hotel, rental car, and a quick view out my window on the highway.  It's really different here!  The houses are packed tightly in groups and seem to be like tall, thin, salt boxes with flat roofs.  Of course lots of hills and wind.  I saw cable car, but it looked more like a marta bus than anything, so that was kind of disappointing.  But I did go down some side streets with incredible hills - just like in the movies!  As you start down the hill you can't see the street in front of you for a bit!

I'm back at the hotel briefly, loading up on some tourist maps.  Then heading out to scrounge up something for dinner.  Think I'll have an early night tonight to plan my attack of tourism tomorrow; including a dry run to where I'm going to be working.  Oh yeah, right, that's what I'm actually here for. :)

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