Monday, August 22, 2011

Dog parks and saying goodbye to SF

So I was feeling a little lost here in SF.  No new job lined up.  Had a rough time at the job - vague complaints about my work, but no one could give me any specifics - which is defeating, since there's no possible way you can improve without knowing what to improve on.  Didn't want to spend money on sight seeing, since I didn't have another job lined up yet.

And then my new friend, Malie, invited me to Ft. Funston on Sunday. Established in Dec 1900 and initially named Lake Merced Military Reservation in San Francisco County, California. Construction as a coastal fort did not begin until Feb 1917. The post was renamed Fort Funston for Maj. Gen. Frederick Funston, a Medal of Honor recipient, a legendary figure in the Philippine insurrection and the 1906 San Francisco earthquake.   Today, Ft. Funston is known as one of the best dog parks!!  Being a little homesick and missing having dogs terribly, this was the perfect way to spend a sunday.  As I waited for my friend and her 10 yr old beagle, Barnabus, to arrive, I perused the sand dunes and named out the dog breeds I was seeing: Saluki, Dalmation, Labs, Rottweiler, Pitbull, Doberman, Labs, Golden Retrievers, Mixed breeds, Jack Russells, Labs, Keeshonds, Spitz, Poodles of all sizes, chihuahuas, collies, shelties, Labs, Bernese Mountain dogs, Great Dane, Pekingese, Dachsund, Labs.....

Every now and then from between the rows of cars, a tennis ball would come whizzing from the parking lot followed by a dog sprinting after it, and a few seconds later, a human owner following with leash, plastic bags and the ubiquitous plastic ball thrower!  It was hysterical!  The dogs were absolutely loving it!!  No way could you be at all sad watching all those canine smiles and goofy faces and tails wagging!  And you were surrounded by sand dunes, trees, ocean, paved paths and dirt paths - and occasionally, the water stations!!  These were great fun for most of the dogs - water fountains for human and canine with bowls sitting around for sharing.  Every now and then you'd see a dog coming back the other way, finishing the walk, wet and sandy - having obviously taken a plunge into the ocean - but content and happily tired out.  There were very, very few spats - and no serious fights at all.  All of the dogs seemed very well socialized.  Most of the owners had pretty good control.  I was impressed.  This has to be the greatest dog park ever!

It was great way to spend my last weekend day in SF.  To breathe the fresh air, let go of the stress, tune in with nature and be reminded of simple joy of life by the canines!  It's been both difficult and truly amazing to be here.  Learning to get my traveling feet under me.  And continuing my personal healing journey as well.  Just when I was feeling defeated and small, the dog park brought me fresh peace, renewal of spirit and courage.  And maybe a little faith too!  Hug your dog for me!

 8/23/11 Addendum:  I am very, very sad to report that Barnabus is no longer with us as of today.  My heart goes out to Malie and her husband.  I'm so honored that I got to spend a good day with him!

1 comment:

  1. julie, it has been so much fun to read your blog. your descriptions and pictures make me feel as if i'm sharing this adventure with you. know you are sorry to leave sf but reading your blog reminds me of how resilient you are as you always find a plus in all your exploits and it reminds me of the young girl you once were. bonne chance in all your endeavors......susanne
