Monday, January 9, 2012

Beginning the adventure

Okay, folks.  For better or worse, I signed a 12 month lease on a 2BR/2BA apartment east of the city.  I love the apartment.  Probably should have looked longer or not gotten something so big for one person, but... water under the bridge now.  And I found out today from the Cable guy (that's a whole 'nother post) that I am living on the edge of a bad area!  Great!  Not what I wanted to hear.  Oh well.  At least I have Jane to protect me.... um.... right.

On the great side, I have great views from my balcony of the Sandia Mountains.  The walking/biking paved trails are right across the road from my complex.  I like the apartment itself - and it seems fairly quiet for an apartment.  Haven't encountered any loud parties or horrid neighbors yet.  And I'm finding my way around pretty easily - despite only just now getting my GPS back - as it died when I hit the New Mexico state line.  If you look at the picture below, to the left of my car - my windows are the top 2 left ones.

I just got internet service today.  So I'm sorry for the long lag between posts.  Should be better now - although I've not much money for doing anything yet.  It's been really busy between the move, house hunting, the move, unpacking, trying to get internet service, trying to buy trash cans and other miscellaneous household items, setting up utilities, setting up Jane with a dog walker and dog camp for socialization.  This week continues the craziness - internet today, my first day of work on Wednesday, Jane gets spayed on Thursday...... No wonder I'm tired! LOL  Here's a picture of Jane on the walking trail.

It did take me a few days to acclimate to the higher elevations here.  Albuquerque is roughly 5600 ft above sea level.  So I did get tired out a lot easier than normal and even had a little nausea and light headedness the first few days.  I did some research and upped my electrolyte intake, water intake and carbohydrate intake - along with extra rest - and that seemed to do the trick.  Haven't had any problems for a few days.  Now I guess I'm going to have to figure out baking in higher elevations!  The adventure begins....

Jane is doing fantastic - as usual.  She had a crazy first night, and still thinks cardboard boxes are the bomb to tear up!  She's having to learn that even though she has the run of the apartment when I'm home, she's still not supposed to drag my clothes and shoes, etc out and chew them.  I'm currently living without much furniture - a bed, a kitchen table, a TV/stand, a floor lamp and 2 rocking chairs.  I sit on the step stool I bought at Target to eat at the table!  LOL.  I've discovered that you can't really get cheap furniture unless you have a truck and the muscle to get it home.  And I have neither - especially up one flight of stairs!  So I'll do without until I can meet some suckers... I mean, new friends, to possibly help out - or until I can afford the good stuff and have it delivered.  Jane quite likes that I lie on the floor with her to watch movies.

So, I'm mostly unpacked.  I didn't have that much stuff.  What's left in boxes is books, cds, and office stuff.  No pictures of the interior yet.  I'll try to manage that soon since my new internet service is incredibly fast compared to the hotels I've been living in - holy cow!!  I'll just go ahead and add a couple more just for fun!  I went to Old Town Albuquerque again at the request of my niece, Anna.  Her husband and his family are related to Major Trevanion Teel - who buried cannons in the civil war to keep them from the yankees.  This plaque commemorates the deed; and their names are on it as well - the Vordermark family.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the cannon pics!

    All your pics have been gorgeous - the sky is so blue out there!

    Congrats on getting so settled so fast, and remember that "bad neighborhoods" are all relative... remember Chambodia? :)

    Good luck on the new job tomorrow - I know they're excited about having you join the team!

    - Anna
