Sunday, January 22, 2012

A new addition

I've added a new addition to my little clan.  Jane has been seriously lonely.  Whenever she sees another dog, she just cries.  So I've been thinking for a while about getting her a companion.  I've been checking rescue groups online in Albuquerque; and found a picture of one that I knew I had to go see.  He was in the Animal Shelter (i.e.Animal control) on the westside of Albuquerque.  I haven't been to that side of town much yet.  It's more open and flat.  There were some good views of the city with the Sandia Mountains in the background framing it.  Sometimes I wish I had a better camera.  Sometimes I know that the views just won't translate in photos.

At the entrance to the shelter, there is a beautiful sculpture.  Everything was neat and clean - even the kennels.  The dogs all have indoor/outdoor kennels with beds.  The staff seemed really caring and attentive.  I asked for the dog I wanted to see by ID# and then headed back to the kennels to meet a handler.  They escorted me with the dog to an outside fenced cubicle where I could get to know him.  He's approximately one year old, a border collie mix with a longish stubby tail.  He seemed really friendly and sweet.  They picked him up as a stray and the name on his card said "Sea Dog".  He let me look at his teeth and pick up his paws.  He even rolled over so I could scratch his belly.

I was a goner as soon as I saw his picture online really.  So I adopted him for $50.  I couldn't take him home because he still needs to be neutered.  He's a little on the thin side and a little matted.  I went back on Sunday to spend an hour with him again.  He seemed really happy to see me when I came up to his run.  I sat and brushed him for a while. And tried to think of names....

It was a sunny day today again, but the wind is quite strong - which made it cold.  Jane and I managed a mile walk along the trails opposite the apartment.  Then she wanted to spend some time baking in the sun on the balcony - one of her favorite places - while I rearranged crates in preparation for the new dog.  It will be interesting to find out if he's housebroken.  I've already alerted my dogwalkers.  One interesting factoid about this area...they don't routinely test for heartworms.  It's not very prevalent here.  They still recommend preventative, just in case.  But usually the only dogs that get heartworms are from over the mountains, or those who travel to other areas of the US.  Still, I think I'll have him tested.

Okay, so this was probably a really boring post for some of you.  Although for me, it is all part of the new adventure. Now that the little guy is coming home, I can get back to exploring the area a little more.

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